The bernardi_COMPOSITES.tar file includes the 925 composite spectra (spec_"ID".fit files). Each .fit file is a matrix of [3000,4]: FLUX FLOAT Array[3000] FLUXERR FLOAT Array[3000] FLUXMEASERR FLOAT Array[3000] WAVELENGTH FLOAT Array[3000] -- the first row [*,0] gives the co-added spectrum flux density in [10^(-17) erg/s/cm^2/A] normalized to the mean flux of the galaxies used to make the composite spectrum; -- the second row [*,1] gives the observed errors, the rms scatter rms_obs/sqrt(N) (i.e. the observed dispersion of the individual galaxy spectra around the average flux), of the normalized co-added spectrum flux density. This is the sum in quadrature of the measurement error and of the intrinsic scatter of the different galaxy spectra which make the composite: rms_obs=sqrt(err_meas^2 + rms_int^2). However for some pixels the rms_obs is smaller than the err_meas (due to small number statistics). For such pixels we substitute rms_obs with err_meas (note that this is an underestimate of the true observed error). -- the third row [*,2] gives the mesurement error err_meas (one can check where we substitute rms_obs with err_meas by comparing the second [*,1] and third [*,2] rows). -- the fourth row [*,3] gives the wavelength in Angstroms. The "ID" number corresponding to the spec_"ID".fit file is given in column 1 of Table 1-4 and 7-8 in Bernardi et al. (and in the electronic version of those Tables -- see bernardi_TABLES.tar.gz).