The subscripts $L$ and $R$ really refer to the left and right chiral projections. In the limit of zero mass these correspond to left and right helicity states.
... state2
Which is referred to as the particle or the antiparticle is a matter of convenience.
... Sterile3
Sterile neutrinos are often referred to as ``right-handed'' neutrinos, but that terminology is confusing and inappropriate when Majorana masses are present.
... singlet4
In principle this could also be generated by a bare mass, but this is usually forbidden by higher symmetries in extensions of the standard model.
... quasi-degeneracy5
For MSW oscillations, the data implies that most likely $m_2^2 > m_1^2$ under the convention that $\theta < \pi/4$. For vacuum oscillations, the sign of $\Delta m^2_{\rm solar}$ is undetermined.
... cosmologically6
There is no viable large mixing angle (LMA) or low mass (LOW) solar neutrino solution for $\nu_e \mbox{$\rightarrow$}\mbox{$\nu_s$}$. These are most likely excluded independently by the BBN data.