Biological Physics Student Edition, Errata

"If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by adequate error." --- John Kenneth Galbraith

This list applies to the "Student Edition" (2020).
(For errata to the previous edition, see this page. All of those errata are fixed in the Student Edition.)

Second printing


Page 102 and elsewhere misstate Robert Brown's experimental result: His particles were not pollen grains (100 um), but rather smaller objects (1 um) obtained from pollen grains.
Page 263 and Eqn 7.35 on page 266 both give incorrect formulas for the Debye screening length: The correct formula is the reciprocal of what was written. Indeed, high salt concentration should give small screening length.
Various places quote different values for the conductance of a single open sodium channel either 20 or 25e-12 siemens. They should consistently be taken to be 25.

Spelling etc

Problem 7.17: Part (d) should begin where the word "Imgine" now appears.

First printing

All of these are fixed in the Second printing.


Page 21: Should read "If the axis label says rate, 1/s, and the tick marks are unequal, then we understand that a point aligned with the first tick after the one labeled 1000 represents a measured rate that, when divided by 1/(1s), yields the pure number 2000..."
Page 59 claims that "all somatic (non-germ) cells in your body have the same genome." Actually, exceptions include some cells in your immune system, which specialize for specific pathogens by mutation, then pass on their antibody type to their descendants.
Page 60 problem 2.2: The link to third-party viewers has been discontinued. One option is
Page 193, Your Turn 6Ad: "If T_A>T_B, then net energy will flow from A to B."
Page 198, third paragraph: "... thereby reducing the entropy of subsystem a." [There is no subsystem A.]
Page 496, Figure 12.8a: The label where the curve intercepts vertical axis should be script-V^0.
Section 12.3.1 "Results" pages 503-504: All eight instances of V should rather be (Delta V). (There is no variable called plain V.)
Section 12.3.2 page 506: Should say "Using the relation (Delta V)=IR... driving potential of (Delta V)- ..." (There is no variable called plain V.)


Page 148, problem 4.21: Because it's one-dimensional, should refer to Your Turn 4G (not Eqn 4.28). Also, in part (b) the boundary condition appropriate for an impenetrable wall is that probability flux (not probability itself) should equal zero there.
Page 337 below Eq. 9.17: Delete "where gamma".
Page 467 implies that Halobacterium salinarium is a bacterium. Despite its name, it is actually a member of the domain Archaea.
Page 475, problem 11.10: (Although Mdr is a membrane protein, and therefore not uniformly distributed throughout the cell, we can still use the same approach with areal densities for Mdr and X.Mdr.)

Spelling etc.

Page xviii: á should be spelled à.
Page 60, problem 2.2: The Protein Data Bank has moved to
Page 93: Omitted word: "Because a natural diamond does not store *information*..."
Section 10.3.3: After idea 10.14: "is may then become" --> "may then become"