
High Energy Theory Seminar: Chiral matter in 4D Standard Model-like F-theory constructions

Andrew Turner (University of Pennsylvania)

In this talk, I discuss a general class of Standard Model-like constructions in F-theory. I begin by introducing a definition of "generic" matter in supergravity and F-theory, and the associated notion of a universal G F-theory model for tuned gauge group G. Motivated by these concepts, I discuss a particular class of F-theory constructions of the Standard Model gauge group [SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1)] / Z_6 and associated generic matter. In order to analyze chiral matter for this construction, I then describe a systematic approach, synthesized from and building on various known techniques, of describing chiral matter and the associated fluxes for general 4D F-theory models with a given gauge group over arbitrary base. These methods are applicable for non-toric bases or ambient fiber spaces, and also allow for the analysis of geometries without a holomorphic section. I present several examples of this analysis, in particular its application to the Standard Model-like constructions from the beginning of the talk.