* Geometry and String Theory, I & II are taught every other year and Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory and Strings, I & II are taught the alternate years.

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FALL  Physics 654 / Math 694
  Geometry and String Theory I is the first term in a two semester interdisciplinary course taught jointly by Burt Ovrut of the Physics Department and Ron Donagi of the Mathematics Department. The goal of the course is to introduce students, post-docs and faculty to the mathematics and physics associated with recent advances in field theory and superstring theory. This is not a survey course. In this first term we will introduce, and use, relatively sophisticated mathematical techniques, such as homology/cohomology theory, fiber bundles and characteristic classes. These will be applied to important physics topics such as Yang-Mills theory, instantons, monopoles and topological defects.
  • Fiber bundles and connections
  • Groups, Lie algebras and representations
  • Characteristic classes
  • Sheaf and bundle cohomology
  • Yang-Mills theory
  • Instantons, monopoles and topological defect

Geometry and String Theory I will not follow any one text. However, the following books will be very useful for different topics discussed in the syllabus. They are:

  • Geometry, Topology and Physics, M. Nakahara, Adam Hilger
  • Topology and Geometry for Physicists, C. Nash and S. Sen, Academic Press
  • Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory, C. Nash, Academic Press
SPRING  Physics 655 / Math 695

Geometry and String Theory II is the second term in a two semester interdisciplinary course taught jointly by Burt Ovrut of the Physics Department and Ron Donagi of the Mathematics Department. In this second term we will introduce relatively sophisticated mathematical techniques, such as elliptic operators, index theory and topics in algebraic geometry. These will be applied to important physics topics such Seiberg-Witten theory, F-theory and F-theory/M-theory duality in superstrings.

More specifically, the syllabus will be the following, although topics may vary somewhat according to new developments in string theory and the interests of the class and the instructors.

  • Elliptic operators
  • Complexes and their index
  • Topics in algebraic geometry
  • Elliptic fibrations
  • Seiberg-Witten theory
  • F-theory, M-theory and F-theory/M-theory duality
  Geometry and String Theory II will not follow any one text. However, the following books will be very useful for different topics discussed in the syllabus. They are:
  • Geometry, Topology and Physics, M. Nakahara, Adam Hilger
  • Topology and Geometry for Physicists, C. Nash and S. Sen, Academic Press
  • Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory, C. Nash, Academic Press


  Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory and Strings I
FALL  Physics 656/ Math 696
  Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory and Strings I is the first term in a two semester interdisciplinary course taught jointly by Burt Ovrut of the Physics Department and Ron Donagi of the Mathematics Department. The goal of the course is to develop the mathematical and physical theory of anomalies from several equivalent, but formally very different, points of view. In this first term, we will survey anomalies in Yang-Mills theories and gravitational anomalies from the point of view of Feynman diagrams. Both the Abelian and non-Abelian anomalies will then be derived using Fujikawa's method. The theory of elliptic operators and complexes will be reviewed and the index evaluated using the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. The relation of this index to anomalies will be discussed.

More specifically, the syllabus will be the following, although topics may vary somewhat according to new developments in string theory and the interests of the class and the instructors.

  • Review of elliptic operators, complexes and the index
  • Atiyah-Singer index theorem
  • Proof of the index theorem using heat kernal methods
  • Feynman graphs and anomalies
  • Fujikawa's method
  • Computation of the Abelian and non-Abelian anomalies
  • Relation of anomalies to the index theorem

Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory and Strings I will not follow any one text. However, the following books will be very useful for different topics discussed in the syllabus. They are:

  • Geometry, Topology and Physics, M. Nakahara, Adam Hilger
  • Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory, C. Nash, Academic Press
  • Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory, R. Bertlmann, Oxford University Press
  Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory and Strings II
SPRING  Math 697 / Physics 657

Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory and Strings II is the second term in a two semester interdisciplinary course taught jointly by Burt Ovrut of the Physics Department and Ron Donagi of the Mathematics Department. In this second term, we start by discussing anomalies from the point of view of the families index theorem, equivariant cohomology and loop spaces. Non-Abelian gauge quantum field theory will be reviewed using the partition function. The BRST invariance of the gauge fixed/ghost action will be derived and we will discuss, in detail, the Wess-Zumino consistency condition and its solution in terms of ``descent equations''. Using these techniques, the non-Abelian and gravitational anomalies will be re-computed and the cohomological algebra underlying the descent equations studied.

More specifically, the syllabus will be the following, although topics may vary somewhat according to new developments in string theory and the interests of the class and the instructors.

  • Family index theorem
  • Equivariant cohomology and loop spaces
  • Cohomological algebra
  • Review of non-Abelian gauge theory
  • BRST invariance and the Wess-Zumino consistency condition
  • Descent equations and anomalies
  • Worldsheet anomalies and string theory
  Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory and Strings II will not follow any one text. However, the following books will be very useful for different topics discussed in the syllabus. They are:
  • Geometry, Topology and Physics, M. Nakahara, Adam Hilger
  • Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory, C. Nash, Academic Press
  • Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory, R. Bertlmann, Oxford University Press

FALL  Math 694/Math 729

We will discuss algebraic varieties which are of interest to the physics of string theory. We will start with del Pezzo, K3, elliptic and abelian surfaces and then the higher dimensional generalizations of these surfaces (including Fano and Calabi-Yau varieties).  We will also study singularities (A-D-E and beyond) on these varieties and their interpretations in physics (gauge theory, anomalies and realistic models).
We will also discuss birational transformations (flips, flops...).


SPRING  Math 724
  Topics in Math/Physics is a one semester course taught by Antonella Grassi of the Mathematics Department. This course is inspired by recent work on the interface of string theory and geometry. On the string theory side, the focus is on the "dualities" between closed and open strings and Chern-Simons theory. The geometric realization of these dualities are certain birational contractions of Calabi-Yau threefolds followed by complex deformations. The local topology of the transformations is a surgery between symplectic 6-manifolds, and the Chern-Simons theory is considered on Lagrangian submanifolds. The resulting geometry is very rich and the physics dualities imply relations between geometric invariants: knot invariants in the Lagrangian submanifolds and open and closed Gromov-Witten invariants of the symplectic manifolds. We will also discuss discuss work which analyzes these dualities as transformations (M-theory dualities) between G2 holonomy spaces.

Some familiarity with either algebraic geometry or differential/symplectic geometry might be helpful, but will not be assumed. We will focus on the mathematical aspects of the problems, and the different branches of mathematics which come to interplay in this string-theoretic set-up. However, every attempt will be made to highlight these results in terms of their physical content and to make the course accessable to physicists familiar with string theory.  

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