jump to: 2006-20072005-20062004-20052003-20042002-20032001-20022000-20011999-2000

2006-2007 September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August
September 8

Mark Gross, University of California, San Diego

From affine geometry to complex geometry: Instanton corrections via tropical disks.

September 29

Rene Reinbacher, Rutgers University

Numerical solution to the hermitian Yang-Mills equation on the Fermat quintic

October 13

Johannes Walcher, Institute for Advanced Study

Opening Mirror Symmetry on the Quintic

October 20

Ron Donagi and Tony Pantev, Penn

Langlands duality for Hitchin systems

October 27

Ron Donagi and Tony Pantev, Penn

NOTE: This is a continuation from October 20

Langlands duality for Hitchin systems

November 3

Sakura Schafer-Nameki, Caltech

On T-duality with H-flux

December 1

Andrew Neitzke, Institute for Advanced Study

The holomorphic anomaly equation, reformulated and extended

December 8

Andrei Okounkov, Princeton



January 9

Beatriz Grana Otero, Salamanca

Numerical properties of Higgs bundles. The projective case.
 Note unusual day and time. First of two M-P seminars this week.

January 12

Ugo Bruzzo, SISSA-Trieste

Numerically effective Higgs bundles on Kahler manifolds

January 19

Stavros Garoufalidis, Georgia Tech

Resurgence in quantum topology: wishes and facts

January 26

Paul Seidel, University of Chicago

The nearby Lagrangian problem

February 2

Masa-Hiko Saito, University of Kobe

Moduli spaces of stable parabolic connections, Riemann-Hilbert correspondences, and geometry of equations of Painleve type

February 9

Jaemo Park, Pohang University

Type I / heterotic compactifications on twisted tori and manifolds with SU(3) structures

February 16

Eleonora Dell'Aquila, Rutgers University

Children's Drawings from Seiberg-Witten Curves

February 23

N.A. Tyurin, Dubna and Institute for Advanced Study

Geometric quantization and algebraic lagrangian geometry

March 2

D. Kaledin, Steklov Institute and Northwestern University

Tensor categories in non-commutative geometry

March 23

Minxin Huang, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Topological strings on compact Calabi-Yau 3-folds and 5-dimensional black hole entropy

April 27

Ralph Blumenhagen, MPI for Physics, Munich

D-brane Instantons and Holomorphy

May 4

Charles Doran, University of Washington

Lattice Polarized K3 Surfaces and Siegel Modular Forms

2005-2006 September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August
September 9

Vincent Bouchard, Oxford University

Topological strings on orientifolds

September 16

Manfred Herbst, Fields Institute

B-type D-branes in Gauged Linear Sigma Models

November 10

Jonathan Weitsman, University of California, Santa Cruz

Measures on Banach manifolds, Random surfaces, and nonperturbative string theory
 Joint Geometry-Topology and Math/Physics seminar

Note unusual day and time. 

November 11

David Morrison, Duke University

Flops, D-branes, and the McKay correspondence

December 2

Emanuel Scheidegger, Alessandria

Topological Strings on K3 Fibrations

December 13

Nikita Nekrasov, IHES

Pure spinor superstring and anomalies
 Joint High Energy Theory and Math/Physics seminar

Note unusual day and time. 

December 14

Cumrun Vafa, Harvard University

The Mathematics of the Swampland
  Note unusual day and time and location

March 22

Michael Douglas, Rutgers University

Stable bundles and the attractor mechanism
  Note unusual day and time

March 24

Taizan Watari, University of California, Berkeley

Dimension-4 proton decay, Yukawa couplings and the underlying gauge symmetry in string theory

April 7

Alon Faraggi, University of Liverpool

Minimal Standard Heterotic String Models

2004-2005 September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August
September 17

Xenia de la Ossa, Oxford University

Arithmetic of Calabi-Yau Manifolds

September 24

Ludmil Katzarkov, University of Miami

Mirror symmetry for rational surfaces and non-commutative geometry

October 1

Katrin Wendland, University of Warwick

Conformal field theories, their limits, and their geometric interpretations

October 8

Sebastian Franco, MIT

Holographic Cascades

October 15

Eleanora dell'Aquila, Rutgers University

Fractional Branes in Landau-Ginzburg Models and Superpotentials

October 22

James Gray, University of Durham

Kahler Potentials for Bundle Moduli in Heterotic Compactifications

October 29

Pascal Grange, Ecole Polytechnique

Non-Lagrangian A-branes and T-duality

November 3

Eric Sharpe, University of Illinois, Urbana_Champaign

Deformation theory, stacks, and physics
 Special time and place; co-sponsored by the MPRG 

November 5

Johannes Walcher, IAS

Matrix Factorizations and Mirror Symmetry

November 10

Dirk Kreimer, IHES, France and Boston University

Building quantum field theory from combinatorics
  Special time and place; co-sponsored by the MPRG 

November 12

Dirk Kreimer, IHES, France and Boston University

Radiation matters - from the Lie algebra of gauge theories to polylogs

November 17

Eric Harrelson, University of Minnesota

Structure induced by the open-closed moduli space of Reimann surfaces utilized by Zwiebach
  Special time and place; co-sponsored by the MPRG 

November 19

Michael Schulz, Caltech

Calabi-Yau Duals of Torus Orientifolds

December 3

Vassily Gorbounov, University of Kentucky

Chiral differential operators and applications to topology

January 21

Bogdan Florea, Rutgers

All moduli stabilization in a simple IIB orientifold

February 11

Hisham Sati, University of Adelaide

M-theory and topology

February 16

Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, Harvard

Moduli spaces of bordered Riemann surfaces
 Deformation Theory Seminar 

February 18

Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, Harvard

A mathematical theory of the topological vertex

February 23

Murray Gerstenhaber, Penn

Deformation Quantization for Quantum Mechanics III
 Deformation Theory Seminar 

March 2

Atish Bagchi, Community College of Philadelphia

Deformation Quantization for Quantum Mechanics IV
 Deformation Theory Seminar 

March 4

Ilia Zharkov, Harvard

Linear systems on tropical curves

March 18

Mark Gross, University of California, San Diego

Moduli of log Calabi-Yau spaces

April 8

Maximilian Kreuzer, University of Vienna

Toric Geometry, Complete Intersections and Fundamental Groups

April 15

Kris Kennaway, University of Toronto

Dimer models and quiver gauge theories

April 22

Ruth Britto, IAS

Yang-Mills Amplitudes from Twistors and Unitarity

May 6


2003-2004 September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August
September 16

Katrin Wendland, University of Warwick 

The Many Routes to K3
 Note: Special Colloquium 

September 17

Katrin Wendland, University of Warwick 

Orbifold Constructions of K3

September 18

Katrin Wendland, University of Warwick 

Geometric Interpretations of Conformal Field Theories Associated to K3

September 26

Christian Roemelsberger, University of Southern California 

Chiral Rings, Superpotentials and the Vacuum Structure of N=1 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

October 3

Stavros Garoufalidis, Georgia Tech 

Wilf-Zeilberger meets Jones and Thurston

October 10

Marco Gualtieri, University of California, Berkeley

Generalized Geometries

October 13

Michael Douglas, Rutgers University

The statistics of string/M theory vacua
 Note special time and location

October 24

Amihay Hanany, MIT

Duality Walls in String Theory

October 31

Volker Braun, Penn

N=1 Super Yang-Mills and Derived Categories
 Note special time and location

November 7

Justin Sawon, SUNY, Stony Brook

Twisted Fourier-Mukai transforms on holomorphic symplectic manifolds

November 14

Christopher Herzog, University of California, Santa Barbara

Del Pezzo, Markov, and Seiberg

November 21

Keshav Dasgupta, Stanford University

Compactifications of Heterotic Theory on Non-Kahler Complex Manifolds

November 24

Alessandro Tomasiello, Ecole Polytechnique

Back-reaction to fluxes and group theory
 Note special time and location

November 25

Lev Borisov, University of Wisconsin

McKay correspondence for elliptic genera
  Note special time and location

December 5

Brook Williams, University of California, Santa Barbara

Nongeometric Heterotic String Theories

January 16

Amihay Hanany, MIT

Quivers and Exceptional (hidden) global symmetries

January 30

Axel Kleinschmidt, Cambridge University

Diagrams, Algebras and M-Theories

February 3

Cumrun Vafa, Harvard

Quantum Calabi-Yau Manifolds as Classical Melting Crystals
  Special joint Physics/Mathematics Colloquium

February 6

Sakura Schafer-Nameki, University of Hamburg

Interactions in plane-wave string theory

February 20

Naichung Conan Leung, University of Minnesota

G2 Geometry

February 27

Volker Schomerus, Saclay

Strings in the 2D Black Hole  

March 5

Ezra Getzler, Northwestern University

Frobenius manifolds in higher genus

March 19

Jim Stasheff, Penn

The Mathematics of Open-Closed String Field Theory

March 26

Nicholas Halmagyi, University of Southern California

Mass Deformations of Quiver Theories

April 2

Sergey Cherkis, IAS

Integrable Spin Chains and Deformations
of Super-Yang-Mills 

April 9

Albrecht Klemm, University of Wisconsin

New Developments in Topological String Theory

April 13

Robert Bryant, Duke University

A singular initial value problem for special Lagrangian submanifolds of C^n
Note: day and time.  Special joint seminar with Geometry-Topology Reading seminar

April 23

Bernardo Uribe, University of Michigan

Orbifold String Topology

April 26

Michael Schulz, Caltech

The Simplest Superstring Orientifolds with Torsion, and their Calabi-Yau Duals
  Note special day, time and location

2002-2003 September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August
September 6

Ron Donagi, Penn 

Vertex Algebras in Geometry and Physics: An Introduction to David Ben Zvi's Work

September 9

David Ben Zvi, University of Chicago

Cusps, D-Modules and Solitons

Special time & place;Joint seminar with algebra seminar

September 10

David Ben Zvi, University of Chicago

Geometry of Vertex Algebras

September 17

Ron Donagi, Penn

String Phenomenology - An Introduction to Alon Faraggi's Work

September 20

Alon Faraggi, Oxford

Phenomenological Aspects of M-Theory

September 25

Steve Shnider (Bar Ilan Univ., Israel), & Jim Stasheff (Penn)

Report from the Kreimer Conference at ESI, Vienna

A Joint Seminar with Deformation Theory

September 27

Yang-Hui He, Penn

D-Branes, Del Pezzos and Dualities

October 15

Evgeny Buchbinder, Penn

The Moduli of Vector Bundles

October 18

Burt Ovrut, Penn

Superpotentials for Vector Bundle Moduli

October 25

Antonella Grassi, Penn

Introduction to Large N Dualities and Geometry

November 8

Marcos Marino, Harvard

Chern-Simons Theory, Matrix Models, and Topological Strings

November 26

Tony Pantev, Penn

String compactifications with fluxes - an introduction to Ivanov's work

December 3

Jim Stasheff, Penn

The potential for string field theory

December 6

Stefan Ivanov, Sofia University

Strings and Calabi-Yau manifolds with torsion

December 10

Jim Stasheff, Penn

String Field Theory (continued discussion)

January 15

Alastair King, Bath and Rutgers

Pencils and strings : Vafa's mysterious duality

January 17

Tom Bridgeland, University of Edinburgh

Stability conditions on derived categories

January 22

Murray Gerstenhaber, Penn

Deformation Theory and Quantization

February 14

Tony Pantev, Penn

B-fields and gerbes

February 21

Balazs Szendroi, University of Utrecht

Enhanced gauge symmetry in Type II Compactifications

February 24

Alberto Cattaneo, University of Zurich

A topological field theory interpretation of string topology

February 28

Tamar Friedmann, Princeton University

G_2 manifolds: on dualities and unification

March 7

Takashi Kimura, IAS

Equivariant Topological Field Theories and Their Quotients

March 14

No Seminar; Spring Break

March 21

No Seminar

March 28

Madeeha Khalid, Penn

Twisted sheaves on K3 surfaces

April 4

Pietro Pirola, University of Pavia

Constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic space and vector bundles

April 15

Oscar Garcia-Prada, CSIC, Madrid

Higgs bundles and representations of surface groups

May 5

Matthew Szczesny, Penn

Orbifolding the Chiral de Rham Complex

May 14

Jim Stasheff, Penn

Symplectic reduction and $L_\infty$ -algebra
 (in conjunction with Deformation Theory seminar)

2001-2002 September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August
September 20

Is Singer, MIT

Differential Cohomology and Differential K-Theory; Applications


September 25

Alberto Cattaneo, Harvard and University of Zurich

Covariant Poisson Sigma Model? view abstract

October 23

J. Maldacena, Harvard University and I.A.S.

Strings on AdS_3 and the WZW Model view abstract

October 26

Dirk Kreimer, BU and Mainz

The Secrets of Short Distances: Combinatorics, Operads and Numbers view abstract

November 20

S. Cherkis, I.A.S.

New Gravitational Instantons

November 27

T. Hausel, U.C. Berkeley

Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and Hitchin systems

December 4

S. Gukov, Harvard University

M-Theory on Exceptional Holonomy Manifolds and Dynamics of Minimally Supersymmetric Gauge Theories view abstract

February 5

Evgeny Buchbinder, U. Pennn

Vector Bundle Moduli and Small Instanton Transitions

February 19

Anton Kapustin, Caltech

Differential Geometry of A-branes and Categorical Mirror Symmetry

February 26

D. Arinkin, Harvard

Fourier Transform for Quantized Completely Integrable Systems

March 5

Robbert Dijkgraaf, University of Amsterdam and IAS

Domain Walls in CFT and Holography

April 9

Sheldon Katz, University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign

D Branes and Duality

2000-2001 September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August
September 20

M. Douglas, Rutgers University

D-Branes on Calabi-Yau manifolds

September 27

T. Lubensky, U. Penn

Topological Defects in Condensed Matter

October 4

M. Stern, Duke University

A bound state update

October 11

S. Gukov, Caltech

String compactification of Calabi-Yau fourfolds

October 18

R. Plesser, Duke University

D-branes, Discrete Torsion, and the McKay Correspondence

October 25

D.E. Diaconescu, IAS

Topological aspects of M theory

November 1

E. Zaslow, Northwestern University

Geometry of the mirror symmetry functor

November 15

D. Freed, University of Texas/Austin

K-theory and the Green-Schwarz mechanism

January 24

J. Distler, University of Texas/Austin

Torsion D-branes in Nontopological Phases

January 31

B. McCoy, SUNY, Stony Brook


February 1

R. Brylinski, Penn State University

Equivariant quantization of cotangent bundles

February 13

E. Sharpe, Duke University

Recent developments in string orbifolds

February 21

R. Pandharipande, Caltech

Some questions on cycles on the moduli space of curves

March 7

B. Acharya

The Physics and Mathematics of Special Holonomy Manifolds: Higher Dimensional Gauge Theory and Mirror Symmetry

April 11

C. Bartocci, University di Genova

Fourier Mukai transform and Hyperkaehler geometry

April 18

P. Aspinwall, Duke University

The Derived Category and Zero-Brane Stability

1999-2000 September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August
September 30

K. Uhlenbeck, University of Texas

Integrable Systems: Loop group and Virasoro actions on solution

October 7

S. Katz, Oklahoma State University

Duality and D-brane moduli spaces

October 14

J. Morgan, Columbia University

Flat G-bundles over tori

October 21

J. Wess, University of Munich

Noncomutative Space-Time Structure

October 28

K. Intriligator, University of California, San Diego; IAS

Compactified little string theories and compact moduli spaces of vacua

November 4

S. Kachru, Stanford University; IAS


November 11

R. Kamien, University of Pennsylvania

Minimal Surfaces, Screw Dislocations and All That

December 2

C. Doran, Pennsylvania State University

Characterizing modular mirror maps

January 20

E. Markman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Reflections of Hyperkahler varieties

January 27

M. Jardim, Yale University

The Nahm Transform of doubly-periodic instantons

February 10

A. Calderaru, Cornell University

Counterexamples to Torelli, Elliptic Threefolds and Twisted Sheaves

March 8

D. Morrison, Duke University (Joint Math/Physics Colloquium)

Is there a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow? The search for new dualities in string theory

March 23

A. Kapustin, IAS

Noncommutative Instantons and Twistor Transform

March 30

A. Tyurin

The geometry of Planckian cycles

April 6

T. Nevins, University of Chicago

Moduli spaces of framed sheaves on ruled surfaces

April 20

V. Baranovsky

On the algebraic construction of Uhlebeck moduli space

April 27

D. Sternheimer

Singletons and Composite Particles in an AdS Microworld




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University of Pennsylvania
David Rittenhouse Laboratory
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Philadelphia, PA 19104