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Cosmological Neutrinos

The combination of COBE data [57] and the distribution of galaxies on large and small scales is hard to understand on the basis of simple cold dark matter. One possibility is that in addition to cold dark matter there is a small admixture [58] of hot dark matter, presumably due to a massive neutrino with a mass in the range [59]. Even better fits are obtained if there are two nearly degenerate neutrinos in the few eV range [60], and speculations on these lines have been encouraged by the possible LSND observation of . There are, however, alternative explanations [61], such as a 100 eV sterile neutrino, decaying MeV neutrino, cosmological constant, topological defects, low density universe, or a tilted initial spectrum. If the has a mass in the eV range then, unless its mixing with is extremely small, oscillations should be observable in the CHORUS and NOMAD experiments at CERN, and the later E803 at Fermilab, all of which will be sensitive to appearance for very small for in the eV range.

Mon Nov 27 19:37:58 EST 1995