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Model Independent Analysis


We decided some time ago to analyze the data in as model independent a context as possible [9,51]. Though most explicitly-constructed nonstandard models involve either the temperature or the cross sections [9,12] there is always the possibility of very nonstandard physical inputs which cannot be described in this way. The idea in a model independent analysis is that all that really matters for the neutrinos are the magnitudes , , and of the various flux components. We can then analyze the data making only three minimal assumptions. One is that the solar luminosity is quasi-static and generated by the normal nuclear fusion reactions. This leadsgif to the constraints (6) and (7). The second assumption is that astrophysical mechanisms cannot distort the shape of the spectrum significantly from what is given by normal weak interactions. Nobody has found any astrophysical mechanism that can significantly distort the shape, and all explicitly studied mechanisms are negligibly small [35]. It is this assumption which differentiates astrophysical mechanisms from MSW, which can distort the shape significantly. Our third assumption is that the experiments are correct, as are the detector cross section calculations.

In this (almost) most general possible solar model all one has to play with are the four neutrino flux componentsgif subject to the luminosity constraint. The strategy is to fit the data to the and fluxes. For each set of fluxes, one varies and so as to get the best fit. The CNO and other minor fluxes play little role because they are bounded below by zero, and larger values make the fits worse. The constraints from the individual classes of experiments are shown in Figure 3.

Figure: and fluxes relative to the standard solar model prediction as constrained by different classes of experiments. The SSM corresponds to the point (1,1) while the uncertainties in the SSM are shown as an ellipse. From [50].

Figure 4 displays the allowed region from all data. The best fit would occur in the unphysical region of negative fluxes. Constraining the flux to be positive, the best fit requires and of the SSM [9,10]. This, however, has a poor . One finds for 1 d.f., which is excluded at 93% CL, i.e., it is only marginally allowed statistically.

More important, the best fit it is in a region that is hard to account for by astrophysical mechanisms. Figure 4 also displays predictions of the BP and TCL standard solar models, the 1,000 Monte Carlos SSMs of Bahcall and Ulrich (dots) [46], other explicitly constructed nonstandard models [52], and the general predictions of cool sun and low models.

Most of the nonstandard models are approximately parameterized by the cool sun models [9,12], but none come close to what is required by the data. As can be seen in the figure, the low models are especially far from the observation. The problem is that the data is requiring an almost total suppression of neutrinos compared to the neutrinos [8]--[14]. That is hard to understand astrophysically, because boron is produced from the beryllium by proton capture. If one gets rid of all of the beryllium there is no plausible explanation of why so much is still produced.

People have occasionally questioned the validity of the Homestake results, although there is no clear reason to doubt them. In fact, the data is now sufficiently good that one can draw the same conclusion about the complete suppression of neutrinos from any two types of experiments, as can be seen in Table 4. For example, Figure 5 shows the constraint if the chlorine data is omitted. In this case the overall is acceptable, but the allowed region is still not consistent with any explicit solar model. One concludes that it is unlikely that any NSSM will explain the data unless at least two of the experiments are wrong [10,11,13].

One can reach much the same conclusion in another way. In Figure 6 the predictions for gallium are shown for various explicitly constructed nonstandard models which agree with Kamiokande but ignore the Homestake rate. All of the explicit models predict rates in excess of 100 SNU, well above the combined observations.

Figure: 90% CL combined fit for the and fluxes. The best fit, which occurs at % and relative to the SSM, has a poor of 3.3 for 1 d.f. Also shown are the predictions of the BP and TCL SSM's, 1000 Monte Carlo SSM's [46], various nonstandard solar models, and the models characterized by a low or low . From [9,10,50].

Figure: Constraints on the and fluxes without the Homestake data.

Table: Predicted fluxes compared to the standard solar model for various combinations of experiments. From [10].

Figure: Predictions for the gallium rate of explicit nonstandard models which agree with Kamiokande, compared with the experimental observations. From [49,50].

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Mon Nov 27 19:39:39 EST 1995