I'm an emeritus professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania . I'm also affiliated with the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter. I was educated at the University of California at Santa Barbara in the College of Creative Studies, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (Check out my resume for more details.) I also have a boring but more-official-looking home page in the Physics Department web page. My primary research tool has been X-ray scattering and I have produced a series of tutorial videos on this topic. Over the years I've gotten my name on a bunch of papers.
I recently published a book about the history of the physics and astronomy departments at the University of Pennsylvania.
I live in Upper Merion, which is outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My father published numerous novels and short stories under the pseudonym of MacDonald Harris. I'm have compiled some notes on my family's history.
There are several other people on the web with the same name as me. Notably, there is a well-known Paul Heiney who appears frequently on the BBC and is an author of numerous books, many having to do with farming.
Last updated 4/25/2023.