People | |
Randy Kamien
B.S., M.S., California Institute of Technology (1988) |
Suman Kulkarni B.S.-M.S., Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune(2021) |
Lauren Niu B.S., California Institute of Technology (2015) |
Paul Severino B.A., University of Chicago (2021) |
Zagzag B.S., New York University (2019) |
Former Members |
Hillel Aharoni Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at the Weizmann Institute
B.Sc., Hebrew University (2006) |
Gareth Alexander Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at University of Warwick
M.Phys., University of Oxford (2003) |
Helen Ansell (she/her/hers) Former Graduate Student now Postdoc at Emory University
M.Sci., University of Birmingham (2016) |
Natalie Arkus Former Postdoctoral Fellow
B.A., Barnard College (2003) |
Daria Atkinson (she/her or they/them) Former Postdoctoral Fellow
B.A., Carleton College (2015) |
Daniel Beller Former Graduate Student now Faculty at Johns Hopkins University
B.S., B.A., Brandeis University, (2010) |
Igor Bluestein Former Graduate Student now Software Engineer at Siemens
M.S., Voronezh University, Russia (1986) |
Toen Castle Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at La Trobe University
B.Sc., University of New England, Australia (2001) |
Nandita Chaturvedi (she/her/hers) Former Graduate Student now Postdoc at NCBS Bangalore
M.Sc., Universitat zu Koln (2015) |
Bryan Gin-ge Chen Former Graduate Student
A.B., A.M., Harvard University (2007) |
Yigil Cho Former Postdoctoral Fellow now at Samsung
B.S., Seoul National University, Korea (2005) |
Justin Cohen (he/him/his) Former Undergraduate Student now at Goldman Sachs
B.A., University of Pennsylvania (2022) |
Simon Čopar Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at University of Ljubljana
M.Sc., Universiy of Ljubljana (2009) |
Brian DiDonna Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Software Engineer at Stellar Science
B.S., Stanford University (1994) |
Cleverson Filguieras Former Visiting Graduate Student now Faculty at Universidade Federal da Campina Grande
Ph.D., Universidade Federal de Paraíba (2009) |
Greg Grason (he/him/his) Former Graduate Student now Faculty at University of Massachusetts, Amherst
B.A., University of Pennsylvania (2000) |
Mohamed Gharbi Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at UMass Boston
M.S., Universiy of Tunis (2008) |
Vianney Gimenez-Pinto Former Visiting Scholar now Faculy at Haverford College
B.S., University of Carabobo, Venezuela (2007) |
Xingting Gong Former Undergraduate Student now at Alphabet
B.A., University of Pennsylvania (2015) |
Eric Horsley Former Graduate Student now at Haynes Boone
B.S., University of Texas, Austin (2014) |
Ana Hočevar Former Visiting Student now at The Data Incubator
B.Sc. University of Ljubljana (2007) |
David King (he/him/his) Former Postdoctoral Fellow now at UC Berkeley B.A., University of Cambridge (2016) |
William Kung Former Graduate Student now Staff at Northwestern University
B.S., California Institute of Technology (1999) |
Andy Lau Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at Florida Atlantic University
B.S., University of California, Davis (1994) |
Max Lavrentovich Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at Worcester State University
B.A., Kenyon College (2008) |
Alex Levine Former Postdoctoral Fellow
B.S., University of California, Los Angeles (1989) |
Thomas Machon Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at Bristol
M.Phys., University of Warwick (2011) |
Sonia Mahmoudi (she/her/hers) Former Research Assistant Professor now Faculty at Tohoku University
B.S., M.S., IMT Mines Alès (2015) |
Sabetta Matsumoto Former Graduate Student now Faculty at Georgia Tech
B.A., M.S., University of Pennsylvania (2007) |
Carl Modes Former Graduate Student now Group Leader at MPI Dresden
A.B., Princeton University (2002) |
Ricardo Mosna Former Visiting Professor
Ph.D., Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2004) |
Chris Santangelo (he/him/his) Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at Syracuse University
B.A., Cornell University (1997) |
Radmila Sazdanović Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at North Carolina State University
Ph.D., George Washington University (2010) |
Francesca Serra Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at Southern Denmark University
B.Sci., Università degli Studi di Parma (2003) |
Olivia Snir Former Graduate Student now Faculty at Oregon Health & Science University
B.S., Fordham University (2004) |
Yehuda Snir Former Graduate Student now at Princeton Consulting
B.S., Carnegie Mellon University (2001) |
Daniel Sussman (he/him/his) Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at Emory University
B.A., Williams College (2007) |
Michael Tanis Former Artist in Residence
B.A., Connecticut College (2000) |
Lisa Tran (she/her/hers) Former Graduate Student now Faculty at Utrecht University
B.A., New York University (2012) |
Mario Triantafillou Former Graduate Student now at NewOak Capital
Sc.B., Brown University (1993) |
Vincenzo Vitelli Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at University of Chicago
B.Sc., Imperial College London (1997) |
Xinyu Wang Former Visiting Graduate Student now Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Michigan
B.S., Southeast University (China) (2015) |
Primoz Ziherl Former Postdoctoral Fellow now Faculty at Institut Jožef Stefan and University of Ljubljana
B.S., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (1992) |