
Penn Physics/Medicine Receives $2.8 Million Grant for Stroke Research

The National Institutes of Health have awarded University of Pennsylvania researchers a five-year, $2.8 million grant to further research on techniques for monitoring blood flow in the brain following strokes.

Physics & Astronomy Assistant Professor James Aguirre Looks Deep into the History of the Night Sky

"...As stars began to form, they emitted radiation that ionized these hydrogen atoms, a process which caused the holes to appear. The light that this process produced billions of years ago still exists, and can be used to chart the birth of the first galaxies. But does the technology exist to do so?..."


To read more on this piece visit:

Physics & Astronomy Professor Charles Kane gets featured on NPR

Check out this piece on NPR as Professor Kane hypothesizes Quantum Computing.

Particle physics documentary on ITunes

The documentary "Particle Fever" on the discovery of the Higgs boson features former Penn Physics graduate student Monica Dunford (and several other colleagues).  This film is now available for download at

Penn physics research featured on DOE website

The work of Prof. Andrea Liu, her graduate student Carl Goodrich, and U. of Chicago collaborator Sid Nagel, is featured on the Department of Energy Office of Science homepage.  The work introduces the novel concept of an anticrystal - a theoretical solid that is completely disordered - as the basis for understanding the properties of real materials.  This work is also featured on the Penn research news site.

P&A Graduate students made Pawling Fellow

Graduate students Steven Gilhool and Joseph Reichert have been named to 2013-14 Ella N. Pawling Fellowships.  This fellowship supports the academic pursuits of meritorious graduate students in the School of Arts and Sciences.

P&A grad student made Tyndale Fellow

Graduate student Jing Cai has been named Hector Tyndale Fellow 2013-2014.  This fellowsihp supports the academic pursuits of meritorious graduate students in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Euclid-LSST-WFIRST meeting at Penn

Leaders of the 3 next-generation dark energy experiments, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), Euclid, and the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), meet at Penn on Friday, June 20 to discuss the possibility of joint analysis efforts that would increase the scientific reach of all 3 future experiments.  Prof. Bhuvnesh Jain directs the meeting.