Physics 101 Demonstrations Spring 2002

  1. Vertical force tables
  2. Large ball drop with strobe
  3. Slug gun
  4. Trajectory timer
  5. Monkey and hunter
  6. Spring scale with 1Kg mass
  7. Large Atwood machine - spring scale on one mass
  8. Conical pendulum, timer, meter stick
  9. Giant penulum
  10. Loop the loop
  11. Hooke's law
  12. Skate board with masses
  13. Torque and angular moment wheel
  14. Blastic pendulum
  15. Recoil cannon
  16. Train set
  17. Rotating stool with dumbells
  18. Rotating stool with weighted bike wheel
  19. Truck on a bridge
  20. Simple harmonic motion rack
  21. Circular vs simple harmonic motion - projection
  22. Bouyancy - weight of submerged block
  23. Coke and diet coke cans in water