Condensed and Living Matter Seminars
Upcoming Condensed and Living Matter Seminars
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: Driven molecular fluxes control the number size and position of an essential phase-separated organelle in algae
Linnea Lemma (Princeton)
Phase separation of biological molecules has emerged as a key mechanism by which cells organize their interior spaces. Investigating the physical principles by which these biomolecular condensates facilitate cellular…
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar: Robust prediction of moiré material topology
Valentin Crepel (Flatiron Institute)
Moiré materials have recently been envisioned as condensed-matter quantum simulators [1] due to their highly tunable low-energy properties controlled by chemical composition, stacking configurations, twist…
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar: Far-from-Equilibrium Statistical Physics: Information and Response in Living Matter
Zhiyue Lu (UNC)
Statistical mechanics, first developed for equilibrium systems, stands as one of physics' greatest triumphs. Living systems, however, operate far from equilibrium, processing information and…
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar
Matteo Mitrano (Harvard)
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar
Julien Tailleur (MIT)