Elliot Lipeles Speaks on Search for the Higgs
Asst. Prof. Elliot Lipeles is in the leadoff article of Penn News Today as a prelude to his 2013 Penn Science Cafe talk at the World Cafe Live on Apr. 23 at 6pm. See the Events section of this page for more information.
Dean's Award for Mentorship to Masao Sako
Associate Professor Masao Sako is being honored by the School of Arts and Sciences with this year's Dean's Award for Mentorship of Undergraduate Research. This award is presented to SAS standing faculty members for meaningful engagement of undergraduate students in research due to exceptional nurturing and facilitating by faculty. The award will be conferred at a School-wide reception on Thursday, April 25 at 4pm in 200 College Hall.
P&A grad. student awarded
Melinda Andrews, a graduate student working with Prof. Mark Trodden, was honored with the "Best Student Talk Award" at the Workshop on Astrophysics and Cosmology at Penn State University on April 5. Her talk was on "Galileon Forces in the Solar System".
SAS Frontiers article on Penn Higgs Search
Penn HEP graduate students and faculty working on the search for the Higgs particle at the Large Hadron Collider are featured in an article in this month's SAS Frontiers magazine. The monthly online magazine highlights the research and creative accomplishments of faculty and students in the School of Arts and Sciences. The article is available here.
Physics and Astronomy Students win SAS Fellowships
Three students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy have received fellowships from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Dan Beller and Nick Kybert received Teece Fellowships, and Carl Goodrich received a Dissertation Research Fellowship. Congratulations to all three!
Penn Physics Graduate Student Garrett Goon Wins Fellowship
Penn Physics graduate student Garrett Goon has been awarded a SAS Dissertation Completion Fellowship for the 2013-2014 academic year.
Jay Kikkawa wins Lindback Award for Teaching
Jay Kikkawa, Professor of Physics, is one of the eight 2013 recipients of the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Awards for Distinguished Teaching.
Penn Physics Research makes the cover of the Biophysical Journal
A new paper co-authored by Penn Physics professor Philip C. Nelson has made the cover of the Biophysical Journal.
Meson-antimeson oscillations in the news
A 1956 paper with Professor Ken Lande as first author is the first reference for meson-antimeson oscillations in a just-published paper on D0-D0-bar oscillations. These oscillations are intimately related to the existence of three generations of quarks. The first observation of K0-K0-bar oscillations by K. Lande, E. Booth, J. Impeduglia, L. Lederman, and W. Chinowsky paved the way for a half-century of study of oscillations that has culminated with the observation of oscillations of mesons involving the charm quark.
Ernie Moniz Chosen as DOE Secretary-Designate
Ernest J. Moniz is Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems, Director of the Energy Initiative, and Director of the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment at the MIT Department of Physics and a former postdoctoral scholar in the Penn Physics Department. He has been nominated by President Obama to lead the US Department of Energy in his second term.