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Click here to download the installation package.
This page provides instructions for downloading and installing the Free Trial Version of Datasqueeze for Linux. To complete the installation you will need to have superuser (administrator) privileges. You may run this version for up to ten days before purchasing a registered version. If, after downloading and running the trial version, you decide you want a upgrade to the full-featured registered version,please
request an access key-this is all you will need to make the upgrade.
Datasqueeze is also available for Macintosh,
Windows, or
Unix-like operating systems..
- Click here to download the installation package.
- Locate where your browser downloaded the file called ds_installation.tar, and change to that directory. (Some browsers may uncompress the file, producing a folder called ds_installation. If so, ignore the next step).
tar xf ds_installation.tar
This should produce a new directory called ds_installation. Change to that
directory (cd ds_installation).
- This installation assumes that the java application (which you may have installed in a previous step) lives in
/usr/bin/java. To see if this is the case, type
ls -ls /usr/bin/java
If you get something that looks reasonable, you are ready to go. Otherwise, you will need to locate Java on your system.. Then edit the second line of the file called datasqueeze to change /usr/bin/java to the true location.
(See comments above regarding
multiple versions of Java.)
sudo sh ds_install
You will be prompted for the superuser (administrator) password.
- To start the application, type
datasqueeze file
from whatever directory you might be working in. Here file is the name of an optional file to open on startup; if has suffix .txt Datasqueeze will attempt to treat this as a Batch file, otherwise it will treat it as a 2D data file.
- When you first run, you
will be asked to enter an access code and to agree to some legal stuff.
If you do not have an access code, you can run the Trial version, which will run for up to ten days.
If, after downloading and running the trial version, you decide you want to upgrade to the full-featured registered version, please
request an access key-this is all you will need to make the upgrade. If you have done the system-wide installation,
you will need to give the access code to each potential user of the application. Note that your licence does not permit you to make Datasqueeze available to a large user base from a central server. If it is to be loaded on a central server and accessed remotely it should be only for the use of a small research group (5 users or less).
- An onboard help menu and pdf manual provide additional instructions--new users are strongly
urged to read through the help file, which includes a short tutorial, before using the
- If Datasqueeze refuses to run at all, it is likely that your
current version of Java (or at least your current default version) is too old.
Go back to the instructions on installing Java on your
- If things do not initially work as you expect, check out our
FAQ page or contact us.
If you look inside the ds_installation->dataqueeze_files folder you should
see the following items:
- A file called datasqueeze_manual.pdf. This is the Manual
--you could copy it
anywhere convenient or print it out if you wanted.
- A file called datasqueeze.jar. This contains the compiled Java code.
- A folder called samples. Within it are:
- Files called agbe_calib.raw and sample.raw. These are "typical" Bruker-Siemens
data files for you to play with.
- A file called agbe.std. This is a typical Bruker calibration file, for silver beheneate,
which you could also use as a template.
This program was written for
Java Version 8. It should be compatible with any later version of Java. Note however that some open-source
versions of Java distributed "out of the box" on some Linux systems will not work.
If you find that this is the case,
you can install OpenJDK for Linux , which can be downloaded here .
You will probably have to be the administrator (superuser)
before you do this part.
If you are not sure whether java has been loaded on your machine or whether
it is the right version, type
java -version
at the command line. It should say something like
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1_02-b02, mixed mode)
which in this case would indicate that you are running version 1.3.1.
In some cases there may be
multiple versions of java installed on the same computer, in which case it might be necessary to to type a different command to get the latest version. For example, on a computer which had both 1.2 and 1.4 loaded, typing
java -version
would return
Solaris VM (build Solaris_JDK_1.2.2_07a, native threads, sunwjit)
but typing
/pkg/j/j2sdk1.4.0/bin/java -version
might return
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
Locating Java On Your System
If just typing "java -version" does not work, your path settings do
not include the location of java and/or it is located in a funny place. Look around
for it. You might try typing
find /usr -name java -a -print
If you think you have found the application, test it out. For example, suppose
that you located a copy of java in
(This is a common location). In that case typing
/usr/java/bin/java -version
should give you version information.