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Click here to download the installation package (7 MB)
This page provides instructions for downloading and installing the Free Trial Version of Datasqueeze for Windows. You may run this version for up to ten days before purchasing a registered version. If, after downloading and running the trial version, you decide you want a upgrade to the full-featured registered version, please
request an access key-this is all you will need to make the upgrade.
Datasqueeze is also available for Linux,
Macintosh, or
Unix-like operating systems..
- You need to make sure that you are logged in as administrator, or that
you have administrator privileges.
- If you are not sure whether you have Java Version 8 or above installed (JavaSoft does not count) point your browser to https://www.java.com/en/download/ to download the latest version of Java.
Note: if, at a later stage in the installation process, you get a message that says something like "Could not find main class" it means that your current version of Java is not sufficiently up to date. The same thing applies to messages saying something like "Unable to launch Java Application" or s
"Unsupported major.minor version 52.0" or "Failed to load Main Class"
- Click here to download the installation package (7MB)
- If your browser did not automatically initiate the installation process,
open the installation package, which is quite likely located on your Desktop and is called "DSInstall.exe , and Double-click on the DSinstall icon.
You will be guided through the installation
- When you first run, you
will be asked to enter an access code and to agree to some legal stuff.
If you do not have an access code, you can run the Trial version, which will run for up to ten days.
If, after downloading and running the trial version, you decide you want to upgrade to the full-featured registered version please
request an access key-this is all you will need to make the upgrade.
An onboard help menu and pdf manual provide additional instructions--new users are strongly
urged to read through the help file, which includes a short tutorial, before using the
Most components in the graphical interface can also be right-clicked for a short description.
- If things do not initially work as you expect, check out our
FAQ page or contact us.
If you look inside the Program Files->Dataqueeze folder you should
see the following items:
- A file with the green and red Datasqueeze icon called Datasqueeze.exe. This can be double-clicked
to launch the application (which should also be accessible from your Start Menu).
- A file called datasqueeze_manual.pdf. This is the Manual --you could copy it
anywhere convenient or print it out if you wanted.
- A folder called Samples. Within it are:
- Files called agbe_calib.unw and sample.unw. These are "typical" Bruker-Siemens
data files for you to play with.
- A file called agbe.std. This is a typical Bruker calibration file, for silver beheneate,
which you could also use as a template.